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Volume 5: Plant Sciences (General)


Corrections for next article "Fungi" by Rolf Singer
Corrections for next article "Fungi" by Rolf Singer [- continued]

Thermoperiodism, Vernalization, and Photoperiodism in the Arctic

Figure describing basic progression of vernalization
[From the text:] The interaction of light and darkness in long-day plants may be visualized perhaps as follows

Mesozoic Paleobotany

Mesozoic floras of the Arctic and Subarctic. (the numbers refer to the sections in the [t]ext): 1, Triassic; 2, Liasso-Rhaetic; 3, ? Liassic; [4, Middle Jurassic wanting]; 5, Upper Jurassic; 6, Lower Cretaceous; [7, Middle Cretaceous wanting]; 8, Upper Cretaceous.
Some Mesozoic ginkgoalean foliage of arctic regions (original specimens are 2-6 inches long): A, Czekanowskia ; B, Sphenobaiera ; C, Baiera ; D, Ginkgoites obovata ; E, leaf bundle of Czekanowskia ; F, leaf bundle of one of the Phoenicopsis ’ group ( Stephenophyllum ); G, leaf of Ginkgoites taeniata ; H, leaf of Ginkgo digitata.
Distribution of Tertiary Floras in the Arctic
Fig. 5 [From the text:] The diagram is from a lake the water level of which is now 100 meters above sea level. There was only a very thin layer of marine clay at the bottom, covered by 3 1/2 meters of lacustrine mud.
Fig. 6. [From the text:] The diagram is from a lake in the immediate vicinity of a Norse farmstead.
Fig. 7. [From the text:] Bogs ajdacent to the farmsteads
Migration routes of geese (according to Finn Salomonsen 1950). [circle] resting places [single line] 1 goose species. [four lines] 4 goose species